Work plan

The scientific and technical work planned in 6G-ICARUS is organized in five scientific WPs (WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, and WP5) that are focused on theconceptual and formal development of technical solutions.

Work Packages

WP1- Design, optimisation, and control of RISs

Short description

WP1 will explore novel AI-controlled metasurface- based RISs will be developed for operation in the mmWave andsubTHz bands. Novel ML/DL algorithms will also bedeveloped, as they are essential for the operation and control of RISs. These structures will be implemented to enhance coverage of 6G BSs.

WP2- Channel modelling for mmWave/subTHz communications

WP2 will focus on topics of mmWave/subTHz comms such as channel modelling, smart city applications, autonomous driving of high-speed trains, andmultipath and interference mitigation

WP3 – Multi- connectivity for 6G mobile communications

WP3 will establish strong collaborations in developing solutions for MCon, AI-based spectrum sensing, and AI- based interference management by utilising their extensive experience and knowledge in RATs and AI.

WP4 – Prototypes, Implementation, and Proof of Concept

WP4 will develop case studies, PoC, and prototypes to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the solutions proposed in WPs 1-3.

WP5 – Reference Scenarios and Requirements

WP5 serves as a cohesive link between all research activities planned in WP1, WP2, and WP3.